Sabbath Queen


dir - Sandi Dubowski
prod - Adrien Salpeter, Darren Aronofsky, Jen Chaiken, Lynda Weinman
edit - Francisco Bello, Jeremy Stulberg, Kyle Crichton, Philip Shane

SABBATH QUEEN, a feature documentary filmed over 21 years, follows Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie's epic journey as the dynastic heir of 38 generations of Orthodox rabbis including the Chief Rabbis of Israel. He is torn between rejecting and embracing his destiny and becomes a drag-queen rebel, a queer bio-dad and the founder of Lab/Shul—an everybody-friendly, God-optional, artist-driven, pop-up experimental congregation. 

Directed by Sandi Dubowski, SABBATH QUEEN joins Amichai on a lifelong quest to creatively and radically reinvent religion and ritual, challenge patriarchy and supremacy, champion interfaith love, and stand up for peace, ceasefire, and an end to the Occupation in Israel/Palestine. The film interrogates what Jewish survival means in a difficult rapidly changing 21st century.


ActiveColor is a Creative Digital Studio that designs and develops strategic and visually compelling experiences.

Trees and Other Entanglements